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301 St. Hwy 224, Commerce, TX 75428

Frequently asked questions

Judo consists of two characters. The first is “ju” meaning gentle. The second is “do” meaning way. Judo is, the gentle way or the way of gentleness.

The development of character, mind, and body so that one can contribute something of value to the world.

The principle of cooperation (jita kyoei), working for mutual welfare and benefit. The principle of maximum efficiency (seiryoku zenyo), using the least amount of effort to achieve the greatest results.

Judo is the modern scientific application of selected jujutsu techniques that may be practiced for self-development, physical education and sport. Jujutsu retains more dangerous self defense techniques, while Judo can generally be practiced with full force and complete safety.

How to fall (ukemi) and the rules of safety and courtesy.

The use of balance and off-balancing. The use of leverage to achieve greater power. Taking advantage of the opponent’s strength. Taking advantage of the opponent’s weaknesses. The value of yielding and giving way. The proper application of timing, momentum and force.

Kuzushi is breaking the balance of an opponent.

Hands: pushing and pulling.
Feet: for example, blocking the opponent from stepping forward.
Body: bending, pivoting, twisting or bumping the opponent to unbalance.
Voice: distracting, or mentally unbalancing, the opponent.

Nage waza (throwing techniques), Katame waza (grappling techniques), Atemi waza (striking techniques)

Te waza: hand and arm techniques
Koshi waza: hip techniques
Ashi waza: foot and leg techniques
Ma sutemi waza: rear sacrifice techniques
Yoko sutemi waza: side sacrifice techniques

Tori is the person executing a technique such as a throw, while uke is the person receiving the technique.

Kata: formal exercise.
Uchi komi: repetitive throwing practice.
Randori: free practice.
Shiai: contest

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