About Us

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Our Story

The literal translation of JUDO is “Gentle Way”. JUDO is considered a martial art that since its beginning by Dr. Jigoro Kano in 1882, has since evolved into an combat and Olympic sport. A form of Judo is taught to the military and police forces as a method of unarmed combat to quickly subdue your opponent. Today, there is no army or police force that does not use JUDO or its technical elements in their training.

While JUDO means the gentle way or the way of gentleness, it is the art of throwing, holding, choking, arm bars and the breaking of joints. That sounds gentle enough – doesn’t it?

JUDO is a tremendous and dynamic combat sport that demands both physical and mental disciplines. From a standing position, it involves techniques that allow you to lift and throw your opponents onto their backs. On the ground, it includes techniques that allow you to pin your opponent to the ground, control them, and apply various choke holds or joint locks until submission.

Beyond the development of physical prowess and athletic ability, JUDO students learn much more. They learn how to control their feelings, emotions, and impulses though the JUDO moral code. They learn about values of perseverance, respect, loyalty, and discipline. Through their experience, they learn about politeness, modesty, and many other wonderful values that contribute to their development as successful citizens of society.

What is this “JUDO Moral Code”? It is a set of ethics created by our founder, Jigoro Kano. He believed they were vital in the development of judo players and individuals both on and off the mat. The code itself is made up of eight parts: Courtesy, Courage, Friendship, Honesty, Honor, Modesty, Respect, and Self Control.

Sensei Lay began taking JUDO while attending high school in 1977. Offered as an “after school” class, it was an opportunity to learn how to defend himself. Yes, bullying existed back in the 70’s too. Sensei learned that JUDO was far more than just self-defense, it was something that improved him physically, emotionally, spiritually and morally.

The physical aspects of JUDO involve all muscle groups. The judoka, JUDO player, must learn to master his or her body and the dynamics of off-balancing their opponents.

Have you ever needed the opportunity to “blow off some steam”? JUDO provides a neutral place where you do just that. Sensei is always ready to throw you around until that emotional energy is spent.

Sensei is not only a teacher of JUDO, he is also the Pastor at Bread of Life Church where our classes are held. Pastor and Sensei, he is committed to your spiritual development. Teaching how to walk the walk and talk the talk so you to can be a disciple of Christ.

The JUDO Moral Code can and will transform anyone that truly desires to change. Many have come through our doors with the same desire as Sensei, to learn how to defend themselves. As their JUDO skills developed, it no longer was about defense as it had become a way of living.

Visit us

The dojo is located at Bread of Life, Church of the Nazarene. Up the hill behind Texas "T".

301 St. Hwy 224, Commerce, TX

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